Tuesday, March 27, 2007

8 weeks

My intention was to have pictures ready to post from last week. But, I didn't get the film turned in until later. So, I think I might run to my mom's after this and her have take a few, so that you can see my unchanged body so far:) I just ended my eighth week yesterday and I am on to my ninth. Here is the picture finally..The bump isn't from my tummy it is from the elastic waistband in the maternity shorts I am wearing:)
My symptoms are:
*breast tenderness
*morning sickness

I am still just sick in the mornings and then a little at night. Saturday night at work I felt like trash:) I was sick and I was a little dizzy. The worst part was that no one offered to close for me and that really irritated me. I am hoping that my sickness doesn't last to much longer. Yesterday I was sick all day and barely did anything, but go to work. I have been dry heaving more than I was before. I wish that I would just throw up because I know that I will feel better afterwards and I know that may sound gross for some of you.
My naps have been lasting longer this week. I lie down meaning to only sleep for an hour and I end up sleeping for 2! Sometimes this is okay because I am still tired at night to go to sleep, but other days I stay up later because I took such a long nap. I wish that my body would just decide what it wants to do!
Irritable is probably an understatement if you ask Matt! I just get cranky really easily, especially if I am tired. I don't really like being touched when I don't feel good and that upsets him. Although I do like when he rubs my back when I don't feel well, so maybe that will help when I am in labor.
Intimacy...well there hasn't been much:) I won't really go into details since this has been online:) I just haven't really felt into it and Matt has been really good about not getting mad our upset. I am hoping that it changes as I go into my second trimester. My mom said it did for her and others I have talked to have said the same thing. Matt is crossing his fingers.
Yesterday I received my maternity pants I had ordered for work. They are way more comfortable than my old work pants. I am thinking about buying some jeans and shorts from old navy online. I am still fitting into my jeans, but they are becoming a little uncomfortable. Plus as it gets warmer out I know I won't fit into my old things.
This week went to Tri-Cities and looked at baby gear. I think we have found the infant car seat we want and stroller. Those are some of the things that we will purchase ourselves. So, I am hoping that we will get them soon. I have also been looking at diaper bags and I may buy one when we are in Boise this week. I just want something to look at!
I haven't had any dreams yet about the baby. Matt says that he has had a few. My friend Sarah has a had a few. I feel kind of weird that I haven't, but my mom said she didn't until later on in her pregnancy. I think I probably will as it gets closer to the time the baby will be here.
We still have our lists of names on the fridge. We haven't really eliminated any yet. Matt has his favorite girl name and I don't know if will budge, which isn't bad because I like it too.
I will try to get the pictures posted before next week!

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