Wednesday, March 21, 2007

6 Weeks

Morning Sickness has arrived! BOO! It is awful people, I hope none of you have it! I am sick all day and all night. This weekend I was dry heaving all morning, which was just awful. Matt doesn't know what to do for me. He did go buy ginger ale and that really helped settle my stomach. I am eating a lot of saltines!
I have only noticed two food aversions so far. The only thing I have craved, which is random is fries. Luckily Matt doesn't do everything I want him to otherwise I would have gained ten pounds already! I thought it would be hard working at a restaurant with all the different smells, but it has been too bad yet. I don't want to eat anything that contains chicken or fish. The smell and sight of those things makes me want to throw up.
I am getting really tired at work and my back hurts after my shift. I bought some new gel insoles for my shoes, so hopefully those work.
Mood swings have definitely come into play this week. I am very irritable all the time it seems like. My family and husband would say that this is nothing new, but I blame it on being pregnant! I do feel bad for Matt though because he does take the brunt of it. He is doing well though and has been really great so far. I am lucky to have such a caring husband!
Sleeping has also been a problem lately. I am trying to train myself to sleep on my left side because that is what the books tell you to do. The baby gets better oxygen that way. But, I am a right side sleeper and it has been hard to switch.
I bought a exercise tape for pregnant women at Wal-Mart the other day. It is a good work out and they also have strength training on there too. Hopefully I will be able to do that and walking. Being pregnant during the summer will be nice because I will be able to be more active outside.

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