Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Finding out the News

Saturday February 17th is the day that we found out I was pregnant. That morning I woke up before Matt and for whatever reason I decided to take one of the pregnancy tests that I had bought. I knew there might be a slight chance we were pregnant, but didn't think that we were. I had bought one of the digital ones, so as I waited for the answer to come back I was thinking that I was probably getting my hopes up a little bit. To my surprise it flashed "pregnant". I sat there for about ten minutes not knowing what to think. I took the test four days before my period was supposed to start, so I thought maybe it could be wrong.
I wasn't going to say anything to Matt until I took another test a few days later, but that didn't work out so well. I walked into the spare room where he was and he knew that something was up by the look on my face. There was no way keeping it a secret, so I told me we were pregnant. Matt was more excited at that point than I was, but I think I was just still in shock that it was positive. We decided not to say anything to anyone until I took another test because we didn't want to get everyones hopes up.
Sunday afternoon I went to lunch with Katelyn after church and I told her what was going. I had to tell someone! She didn't really say anything at first because she was in shock too! I made her promise she wouldn't say anything to mom, which I knew was going to be hard for the both of us!
Monday morning the day before I was supposed to start my period I took another test and it said that I was pregnant. I made an appointment with the student health center for that morning. I went in and they also confirmed a positive pregnancy. The Nurse Practitioner asked "is this a good thing." I kind laughed for a moment and told her "yes it was." She wrote me a doctor's note saying it was positive and when my due date was. She also gave me a bottle of prenatal vitamins to start taking.
Although the news was exciting for Matt and I, it came at a rough time. His Grandma had just passed away the day before we found out and his Grandpa had passed three weeks before that. So, it was rough to be excited because he was grieving at the same time.

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