Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Telling the Familiy

We left for Ontario Tuesday to be with the family, I made Matt promise he wouldn't say anything to his family yet. I wanted to be able to wait a week or so to tell both families. Well to say the least he crumbled like a cookie. He told everyone BUT his mom. I was so irritated because I had done so good not saying anything to my mom!
Sunday we decided to tell my family. We wrapped up a baby gown and a baby name book and gave it to my mom to open. When she opened it, she said "Is this supposed to tell me something?." I said "We're pregnant." My dad was like "no way". They really didn't believe us until I told them I had three pregnancy tests done and they all were positive. They were happy and excited for us!
I called Aunt Kim and Aunt Donna from my parents house to tell them. My Aunt Donna was screaming on the phone "WOW". It was funny and she was really excited for us. I had my mom call to see if my Aunt Kim was there..big mistake. When I told her, she was like I thought something was up by the way that your mom was talking! But, she was excited for us too!
After we left my parents we decided to go and tell my Grandma before she left for Seattle. We talked to her awhile before we told her the news. She couldn't stop laughing she was so excited and she can't believe she is going to be a Great-Grandma! It would have been really neat to have my Grandpa there to tell and I cried a little when I was over there. But, I know that he knows.
Tuesday Matt's parents came down, so that we could tell his mom. We did the same gift thing with her and she immediately said " your pregnant!" She was excited that she was going to be a Grandma and I am sure is starting to make baby blankets.
Matt and I decided that we were only going to tell our close friends for the time being. I was only four weeks along and I didn't want to tell everyone and then something happen like I miscarry. We decided we would try to keep it a secret until April 10th after my first doctor's appointment. So, we started calling our close friends all who were excited for us. Many didn't believe us, they thought we were joking.

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