Wednesday, April 4, 2007

9 Weeks

I am a few days late in posting this blog. I am also picture-less once again. It is one of my many frustrations today. I took pictures of myself, the car seat, and the diaper bag on my parents camera, but for some reason I can't upload them onto their computer from their camera. So, tonight I am going back over to see if my Dad can figure out what is wrong. I promise they will come soon!

Symptoms this week:
*Major/Chronic/Makes me sick Heartburn
* Fatigue

My fight with morning sickness is over! Yay! Last week I had one day that I was sick all day and after that I haven't been sick since. I am so happy to finally be over with that stage of the pregnancy. It isn't any fun and you aren't showing yet, so you are asking yourself what this is all for! But, I wasn't as bad as some ladies at least I could eat and mostly keep my food down.
The new battle is heartburn. As I said before in earlier blogs, I never ever get heartburn. Dealing with it is all new with me. My new best friend is Tums, it is what saves me half the time. It doesn't matter what I eat or when I eat it I get heartburn. Man on man does it hurt and it lasts forever. The other night at work I had Matt bring me some coke and tums. You may be wondering why Coke. Well, Matt's mom said it helped ease her heartburn if she just sipped it on it. I thought what the heck I am willing to try anything. To say the least it does help a little bit and I was thankful for the tip! One of my friends at work who had a baby told me that her heartburn got worse, so I am looking forward to more chronic heartburn! It is well worth the cause though, so I am okay with it!
I am still really tired and take two hour naps. I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I try to get everything done with the house and school before 2:00 because that is usually when I take a nap before work. My day is usually scheduled around nap time! I am not having much trouble sleeping at night anymore and it has helped that I am not sick. So, now I am going to try some good sleep until I get really big and it get uncomfortable.
This week Matt and I went to Boise and bought two things for baby. We went to Baby R US LOVE that store. There we bought the car seat and I am in love with it. Soon I will show you what it looks like. It is Brown/Green. I know that may sound ugly, but it is cute and Matt likes it. It has been hard to find things Matt likes because he thinks everything is so girly:) I also bought my diaper bag. It is a cute green tote bag. It will be my new purse for the next year or two after the baby comes:)
I also bought some maternity clothes while we were in Boise. I bought a pair of jeans, a skirt, white capris, and some shorts. I also got a few shorts. I am still able to fit into two pairs of my old jeans, but I haven't washed them because they always shrink when you do that! I love my new maternity jeans. I wore them to church on Sunday and they are just too cute and look like normal jeans!
I am getting more excited about my belly that will start popping out here soon. I think that when that happens, it will make the idea of a baby a little more real to both Matt and I.
Matt has been calling me "mommy" a lot and it is weird to think that will be my name to my children. It will be exciting to hear our child call me "mommy" and Matt "daddy". Matt also tries to talk to into my stomach. It is funny to watch him do it and I don't know if the baby can hear him yet. But, this morning he was saying "hello baby this is your daddy speaking" It was cute:)
I am emotional and cry at everything. I seriously cry at everything. How sad am I? At least when it does happen I am usually home by myself!
I am going to post some other things in this blog outside of my weekly blog, so if you want to check every now and then feel free too!

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