Wednesday, April 25, 2007

12 weeks

This week I actually took the pictures on time and I have them ready! I am very proud of myself! I hate the picture of just my tummy. It was after I had eaten and it just looks bloated. It doesn't look "pregnant". I am a little embarassed to show it, but oh well. Now you will see what I hide underneath the shirts I wear:)




*Breast tenderness(but is going away)

I was excited to finally be at 12 weeks because it meant that after that week I only had one more week of my first trimester left! I am excited for it to be over. I haven't had any morning sickness since I don't know week 9? I would have to look in my past blogs. I have been sick with heartburn, but I will get into that in a minute. I was still really tired this week and took long naps. Although there were a few days that I didn't get one in and I wasn't dying by the end of the day. This is a good sign that my tiredness will disappear for awhile as I go into my second trimester. Now for the heartburn. I wrote in capital letters because it has been so AWFUL and it is the the only way to emphasize it as I type:) Please be aware there is a long story ahead:)

Thursday morning around 3AM I woke up with really bad heartburn, but as I got up I knew it had to be different. It was just this sharp pain in my chest and it didn't feel like heartburn at all. Earlier that day I had bought some Gaviscon which is like Mylanta but stronger and is okay to take. I took some of that and I threw that up. I took some Rolaids and that didn't help at all not even a dint in the pain. Matt woke up to me sitting on the side of the bed rocking back and forth. I was having a really hard time breathing and it felt like I was having a heart attack. I tried sitting up in bed and sleeping and that didn't work. I finally went out to the couch and watched tv because I couldn't sleep. I called my doctor around 10 that morning and I got their machine because the lines were busy. I left a long and detailed message about what was going on. The pain in my chest was still very sharp and hadn't gone away for even a minute. They never called me back, so I called again at 1pm and she told me she had taken a note back there and that he was out for lunch, which I had assumed he was. So, I told Matt if this doesn't get better maybe we should go to the ER. We decided if they didn't call us around 2 that we would go up there. Another hour rolls around and no call, so we head up to the ER. Right as I get into the waiting room the nurse from the doctor's office calls and I tell her I feel like I am having a heart attack she said it sounded like that is where I needed to be. To make this shorter, we were there for four hours. The doctor was very rude and I don't like him at all. I think he is awful. They did some blood work and everything came back fine. They thought I may have a blood clot because my chest was sore, but I didn't. He told me to take some Tylenol if it continued and to go home. Lame. So, I asked him about acid reflux disease and he told me to take Mylanta. I was like um..I have tried. Very irritating. I called the doctor on Monday because it was getting any better. I have tried everything. Chewing gum, drinking a little Coke, eating papaya, antacids, NOTHING was working. They did get back to me in a shorter time period and I told them that nothing was working, so they sent down a prescription to Wal-Mart. They said it may take two days to kick in and so far it has seemed to help a little. I still have bad heartburn, but it doesn't last as long. Hopefully I will start feeling better tomorrow. I have hardly been able to keep any food down. My staple of food has been toast because it is the only thing I won't throw up. I don't have to eat anything and I get excruciating heartburn. It isn't good for me to not keep food down because I need to get nutrients. So, that was the exciting event of this week:) Sorry it took me so long to type it out for you to read:)

It seems like my belly is popping out a little more. I am still able to wear some of my jeans and most of my shirts. But, I know I need to start getting a few things to wear that are more comfortable. I also posted a picture of the ultra-sound from last week with 11 weeks blog, so you can check that out. Wish me luck on the heartburn!

1 comment:

Karli said...

Looking so cute Kylee! If it is any comfort to you, you probably won't get up to the weight I'm at now throughout your whole pregnancy! (:

Also, Megan was over the other night and I was telling her about your heartburn. She hates milk & she said the only thing that would help her was a glass of chocolate might give it a try? I don't know.. (:

Love you & Let us know when you will be here so we can hang out...
