Wednesday, April 11, 2007

10 Weeks

My tenth week just ended yesterday, so I am only a day behind. I am proud of myself because sometimes it takes me awhile.

*slight heartburn
* fatigue

The heartburn has suppressed for now. I am thankful to have a little relief from that, I am sure that it will come back though as I get bigger. If I didn't have Rolaids orTums I would be dead:)

I am still really tired this week. I still take a nap every afternoon, but if I don't get one in I am not dragging to bad by the end of the night. I only have three weeks left of my first trimester and I hear that you are less tired in the second trimester. I am looking forward to that.
I am still exercising as much as I can. I started walking with Brooklynn in the mornings and that has been nice. I am also doing the cardio work-out and and some toning exercises that are also on the tape. Hopefully I will look good as a pregnant women, that is my goal. I read in one of my magazines that you can't stop your belly or waist from expanding. What you can focus on to still look good is your arms and your legs. I know that my legs are okay, but I need to work on my arms. The Easter picture of Matt and I, I think I look awful. My arms look huge, but it is good motivation to start working on them more.
This week at church more people are starting to tell that I am getting a little belly. I am excited about my belly getting big because it makes it a little more real. My 11th week started yesterday, so next Tuesday I will get to take pictures again. It will be interesting to see the difference.
Another thing that I noticed is that all I talk about is babies and being pregnant. It is something that I am trying to curb because not everyone wants to talk about those two subjects. So, if you are around me and you are getting tired of hearing about it don't hesitate to switch the subject:)
Matt and I have pretty much decided on a girl's name. I am not sharing it with everyone because I want it to be surprise since we are finding out we are having. The boy name is taking a little longer. There is one that I like a lot and Matt likes to, but he still wants to talk about some other names. My family thinks that we will change our minds on the girl name. I see myself changing my mind, but Matt seems pretty set on it. So, it will be funny to see what happens.

1 comment:

Karli said...

I think you looked darling in the Easter picture and I did not think your arms looked huge by any means. You are way too cute.

I'm sure talking about babies & pregnancy comes with the territory of being pregnant the first time. (: I can't wait to talk in person about it with you.

Good job on going walking with Brooklyn. That will make a big difference, I'm sure. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Love you!
*When is your next dr's appt?