Wednesday, April 18, 2007

11 Weeks

It seems like I had waited forever to get to this week because it was the week of my first doctor's appointment.
Last Tuesday Matt and I went in around nine to meet with the doctor. I had to wait awhile for him to show up because he had been at the hospital all night with a lady that only dilated to a 3. Once he got there he took Matt and I back into his office to talk. He explained at what weeks they can do testing if we want it done and the procedures that go along with that. We asked him a few questions and once we were set I went back into the exam room. I had Matt wait out in the waiting room while I was being examined because it just makes me uncomfortable. The whole process is uncomfortable already.
I had to have a Pap smear done which wasn't that uncomfortable since I had one before, but when he felt my pelvic area to see if I would have room when the baby comes down was so painful. It only lasted for about a minute, but it was awful. After he was done with all of that "fun" stuff I had Matt come in the room for the ultra-sound.
It was amazing to see how big the baby has gotten in four weeks from the last ultra-sound. It was moving around and the heart was beating really fast. It was very surreal for a minute. It is hard to imagine that you have that baby inside of you when you can't feel it yet. For some reason we didn't get to hear the heartbeat. I didn't really ask why because I was happy with the ultra-sound and we could see that everything was normal.

* Still a lot of breast tenderness

I just started to get headaches at the end of my 11th week. They are very painful and almost like a migraine. I am allowed to take Tylenol and if they get to bad I usually just take one. I am not used to having headaches, so I am probably a little bit of a baby about it.
Heartburn has returned and in full force. I had switched from Rolaids to Tums to see if that worked better for me, but I found out that it doesn't. This past week I woke up one morning with heart burn and thought it would go away if I ate since I was hungry. I was so wrong:) It was so bad it made me throw everything up. It was awful. I missed class because it was so painful. I decided that I was going to call the doctor if it continued to get a prescription. I haven't done it yet, thinking that I may not need it. But, as I type this I have really bad heartburn and I think I will put the call in today:)
My belly seems to popping out more. The other night at work this lady came in that I always wait on and she asked if anything was new. I told her that I was pregnant and she says " I thought so" I didn't really say anything at first because I was kind of offended. I didn't think I looked that fat yet! It is just funny the things people say to you.
Another thing I found out this week is that my stomach doesn't handle restaurant food very well. There have been three times now that I have eaten out and not at fast food places and I come home and can't keep any of it down. So, I guess in a way that is good because I won't want to eat out so much:)

1 comment:

MissaRae said...

Hi guys. I am glad to see that your appointment went well. It's not fun when they poke and prod is it? Funny thing is that when he/she is born, and you hold him/her in your arms, it all seems like a walk in the park. I was wondering if you are planning on posting a picture of the ultrasound? Or maybe you did and I am just to retarded to find it on here. I like to think I am computer saavy, but I am only kidding myself. I am, after all fairly new to this blog thing. I will be working all day this Friday (11-2)if you want to come in and see me. (if it's not to out of your way....just kidding) :0) What is your apt. # anyway...I thought of coming to see you guys a couple times too, but wasn't sure about just dropping in and I didn't know which one it was anyway. I would love to see your place though sometime before you move into a bigger one. Well, I am off to bed Have a great night, Melissa.