Wednesday, March 21, 2007

7 Weeks

I have thrown up a couple of times this week; no fun! Each day varies as to whether or not I will be sick. Sometimes it is all day and other's it is just in the morning. I did have a day where I wasn't sick at all, it was amazing! I figure I only have maybe four more weeks of being sick..if I am lucky!
I have still been cramping, so I decided to call my doctor this week. I left a message for the nurse and she called back about fifteen minutes later. She asked me questions like " are you having trouble going to the bathroom?" and " have you had a fever?." I answered "no" to both of them and then she asked if I could come right in. So, we headed up to the office. I was so nervous that something was going to be wrong or that I miscarried. Matt was calm the whole time and he prayed before we went in. The doctor did an ultrasound to make sure the baby was in the right place. Matt got to be in the room, which was really nice that we got to experience that together. Our baby looks like a kidney bean, but you could see the heart beating. The baby was in the right place, which is such a relief. Seeing the heart beat was amazing. I didn't' cry like I thought I would because I think I was so relieved that everything was okay. I fell in love with our baby the minute I saw the heart beating. I am looking forward to when I can feel it kicking and hiccuping.
Three days before I had to go into the doctor I had recieved my Oregon Health Plan approval and card. It came at the right time because we would have had to pay for that visit out of our pocket. Definitely a Godsend.
My Aunt Kim sent me a text message this morning saying that she was sorry I was sick and she knew how it was and that I was going to make a great mommy. After reading it, I broke down into tears. I am so nervous that I am not going to make a good mom. I am sure that every mom feels this way, but I think about it constantly. Maybe it is just because my hormones are all messed up!
My clothes are beginning to not fit very well. My Aunt Kim says that I look pregnant by the look on my face. She was surprised none of the ladies picked up on it at church because she said she noticed that my body is changing. I did order my first pair of maternity pants. They are for work because my work pants now are already to small! Hopefully I will get them by early next week.
We decided to go ahead and tell everyone that we are pregnant since we had been to the doctor and everything was fine. It will be interesting to see what people's reactions are. I am going into my eighth weeks this week and I am going to have Matt take a picture of me!

1 comment:

Karli said...

So excited for you Kylee. Love reading your journaling and am excited to "be there" through your journey on paper. Wish we were closer to do more for you. Can't wait till you start posting pictures. Fun scrapbooking material, huh? I hope you get feeling better soon. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Love you!