Friday, October 5, 2007

Dr. Appt and Nursery pictures!

I had a doctor's appointment today and it was pretty much lame:) My whole week was to get to today, so that I could see if I was dilated at all. Well, he didn't even check me! I was so mad! I only gained roughly a pound this past that is good I guess. I was hoping there would be no change or a loss of a pound. He thinks this baby is only like six pounds right now. I am hoping this baby is a lot bigger than that because I will be is like uh where is all the weight coming from!
My Group B Strep test came back negative, so that was good. This means I don't have to have an antibiotics in my iv when I am there. The heartbeat was good going strong at 136 bpm. I love my nurse there because she always sits there for a minute or two after she gets how many beats, so that we can listen to it.
I am having a lot more Brax and Hick contractions, but no real contractions. I am not sure what they are supposed to feel like, but my mom said that I would know.
My baby shower is tomorrow and I am looking forward to that. I feel sort of bad for my mom because she has had to really do the whole thing herself. I am hoping that she will be able to enjoy herself tomorrow and not stress to much. I know that it will great.
Here are some pictures of the nursery. I hope you enjoy them, I feel like you don't really get the whole room unless you are there. I guess I feel like the pictures are insufficient. I want to get some cute decorative baskets, but I am going to wait and see if I get any tomorrow before I buy my own.
Matt went and bought diapers yesterday while I was at school. He was so excited about it, it was cute. He also bought a shirt that the baby will be able to wear next fall. It says "If you think I am cute wait until you see my mom". It almost made me cry...I am getting way more emotional these days!
That is about it for this week!


Karli said...

so fun! The nursery looks darling, as I knew it would and I can't wait to see it all in person when the little guy gets here! So exciting!

Glad your dr's appt. went well. remember you still have a good 24 days until due date, so it's okay if you're not quite dilated! (: I can't wait to hear all about your shower and get the scoop. I know it will be great!

Love you!

Sarah Mwango said...

YAY!!! The baby room looks so good! How did your baby shower go today? I bet you are having so much fun adding all the stuff to the baby room. I know when I got all the stuff home I was like..WOW where in the world do I put it!
I need to get better about posting pictures..maybe I will make that my project this week.
That would be so weird if we both had C-sections. We have been through so much together already.. hehe I am so thankful for you! It has really been nice to have some one to chat with who understands.
When do you find out if you have to have the C-section? I guess I will find out for sure next week. The doctor said we will schedule one if she is breech.. eek! It makes the whole thing seem so soon! Not that it is not already but to acualy put a date to it. Okay I will stop blabbing.. The baby room looks GREAT! Your couches also look VERY comfy! Love you Kylee!

Brittney said...

You will know when they are feels more crampy then just tight.

The nursery is so cute! I love the bedding set.