Monday, October 15, 2007

37 Weeks~waiting,waiting, and waiting..~

I am becoming more and more uncomfortable as each day passes. I don't notice it as much on the weekends because I don't have to sit at a table for six hours like I do during the week for school. I am hoping that our little one arrives this next week, but who knows..he is on his time:)
I have been having mild contractions for the last week or so! This excited me even if it doesn't mean I won't have him for another two weeks. At least I feel like am doing something! They aren't intense or anything and I had to call my mom to make sure if that is what I was feeling or not.
This is going to be gross to some of you, but most of you are women who read this, so I am not to worried. I did lose my mucus plug this week as well. I noticed it after I went to the bathroom one evening. It wasn't gross or anything, it just kind of looks like what it is called. So, I know that my body is preparing for him to come out.
Saturday and today I went on really long walks. I am hoping that it will help to induce my labor. Matt wants to try one other thing that induces labor as well:) My mom said it worked for her and my dad, but I am so huge and uncomfortable I don't know if I can do it! More intimate details that you didn't want to know, but I am a pretty open person as you all know!
This past week on the 10th I got a big nesting feeling. I really thought that I was going to have the baby on the 11th. It was the day my Grandpa passed away and I just thought for sure for symbolic reasons it was going to happen. So, that night I was frantically cleaning the house and catching on laundry. I changed the sheets on our bed and made sure everything was in place. I packed my bag for the hospital and the baby's diaper bag with his things. Then my mom, sister, and aunt all called me to see if I was still having any contractions. Pretty much everyone thought I was going to have him. However, the next day came and went and here I am still pregnant! At least everything is in order!
Everything is washed and put away in his dresser and closet. My parents can't believe how spoiled he is! I also went to Wal-Mart and got the remaining things that I needed, which wasn't a whole lot..such a blessing.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I am hoping that I am dilated and he just sends me up there because I am at a four or something! That is wishful thinking though. I will update you tomorrow after the appointment!

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