Tuesday, October 23, 2007

38 Weeks

I wasn't going to blog about my 38th week because I already talked about the doctor's appointment. However, if I don't I will feel guilty that I missed writing about a week because I have been good about not missing any.
I didn't really have any more contractions this week, which is such a bummer. I was hoping that I would start having a little more of them. Things that are gross, but well I am going to write about them anyways:) I did notice this week that my discharge was brown, but they say that is normal and means that your cervix is starting to soften, etc.
He is moving around a lot still, I don't think he realizes there is no room left in there! The other night I was trying to go to bed, but he was moving so much. I was almost in tears because it hurt so bad because he is so big now!
I developed a cold this week. I am sure that I got it from the of the students at school since they all pass around germs. I am constantly washing my hands or using germ-x while I am there. But, it hasn't been that bad, so hopefully it won't last too long.
I have been extremely grumpy this week as well. I snap at everyone for the littlest things. Poor Matt has had to bear the brunt of it all and he is probably doesn't want me to ever be pregnant again. Well, he actually has said that:) Saturday I didn't pick up any of my phone calls because I was so grumpy.
At this point all hear is "oh you haven't had the baby yet" or people are constantly asking me how I am feeling, or when I am due. I feel like a broken record..and it makes me irritable. I know that people mean well and they just care and I need to realize that!
We put the carseat base in the car this weekend and everything is ready for him. I have my bag packed and his things packed. Now, he just needs to simply arrive:)

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