Tuesday, October 16, 2007

38 Week Dr. Appt

Today was my doctor's appointment...I didn't get my hopes up going into it. I gained another three pounds, what a shocker. I have been so swollen though this past week. My ankles look like balloons seriously. One night my left ankle was huge compared to my right. My hands have also been really swollen and I am glad that I took my wedding ring off a long time ago!
Baby's heartbeat was good it went up to 140, but that is still good. It was speeding up at the end because he was moving around. It was funny, I don't think he liked her pushing on him..I was hoping it would make him come out!
Dr. T. came in and checked my cervix. He asked if I wanted him to strip any membranes since he knows I am sort of trying to work this delivery around school. I told him that if he thought it was okay, that would be great. Let's get this show on the road:) But, if he didn't want to that was fine too. So, he checked me and I was probably 1/2 cm. dilated. He stripped me to a 1 1/2. So, hopefully that will jump start things. If not he said that when I come in next week that he would do it again. It was so painful when he was doing it that I was like how the heck am I going to push my baby's head out! But, I didn't show any signs of pain..according to my mom. I must hide it well.
Anyways, so that is the news for now. I will keep you updated!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

He'll be here soon!!! I'm so excited for you! After you have him, if it's ok I would like to bring you some flowers to your house after you're feeling better.