Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Shower Take 2

Last Saturday was my baby shower here in La Grande that my family put on for me. I have been counting down to this one just because it makes it seem more real that in a few weeks this little one will be here with us..finally!
My mom, aunts, sisters, and church ladies had the church decorated really cute. The colors were a lime green and blue and were so adorable. There was an assortment of different kinds of breads that my mom had made. Sara Coston made shortbread cookies with half of it dipped in chocolate. Jana made a big fruit assortment with different dips to go along with it. It was just all put together really cute. On the table with the punch they had the little favors. They made little buckets using pipe cleaner and little blue plastic cups. Each were filled with candy, but the theme of the candy was what little boys would play with. So, there were gummie sharks, fish, and frogs. Chocolate rocks, malt balls, and lemon heads. It was really cute!
There were about twenty three or so people there and it was just a lot of fun. I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. I got tons of stuff and it was so much fun to open! I got a few blankets that were homemade and I love that. A lot of really cute outfits. We got the monitor that we wanted and that was really nice. I got BASKETS to organize things in..I am a big fan:) I got a robe from Grandma for myself which was so nice because I didn't have one! We got our swing from my family and our high chair from Matt's. Matt's mom made some really cute blankets and burp clothes for me. My mom got me my baby excited..tons of 12 month clothing, and a green receiving blanket like I had when I was a baby. Katelyn got me my sticker calendar and a blanket! Kallan got him the cutest lion slippers and a toy. My Aunt Donna got me a cute outfit, with cute shoes, bath stuff, and stuffed animals. Aunt Kim got me some cute outfits, books, toys, and some baby cereal to try out when it is time for that!
It was emotional at the beginning because my mom opened the shower with saying how proud her and my dad were of me..and then she started to cry. Then I started to cry..and everyone else started to tear up:) She said how proud they were of me for sticking with school and how proud they were of Matt and just how excited they are to have this baby. Sigh..I am going to cry right now thinking about it!
After the shower my family came over so that my aunts could see the nursery. We hung out at my house for awhile talking about things. We then headed to the pizza place to celebrate my cousin Luke's 7th birthday. It was a lot of fun and the food was yummy. I was starving by the time we got there because all I had eaten was what was at the shower.
That evening I sorted everything that I got at the shower. I washed all the clothes and put them away. Organized his changing table and the closet and had everything in place.
It was a really great way to spend a Saturday and I am so thankful to everyone that came to the shower!

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