Tuesday, March 27, 2007

8 weeks

My intention was to have pictures ready to post from last week. But, I didn't get the film turned in until later. So, I think I might run to my mom's after this and her have take a few, so that you can see my unchanged body so far:) I just ended my eighth week yesterday and I am on to my ninth. Here is the picture finally..The bump isn't from my tummy it is from the elastic waistband in the maternity shorts I am wearing:)
My symptoms are:
*breast tenderness
*morning sickness

I am still just sick in the mornings and then a little at night. Saturday night at work I felt like trash:) I was sick and I was a little dizzy. The worst part was that no one offered to close for me and that really irritated me. I am hoping that my sickness doesn't last to much longer. Yesterday I was sick all day and barely did anything, but go to work. I have been dry heaving more than I was before. I wish that I would just throw up because I know that I will feel better afterwards and I know that may sound gross for some of you.
My naps have been lasting longer this week. I lie down meaning to only sleep for an hour and I end up sleeping for 2! Sometimes this is okay because I am still tired at night to go to sleep, but other days I stay up later because I took such a long nap. I wish that my body would just decide what it wants to do!
Irritable is probably an understatement if you ask Matt! I just get cranky really easily, especially if I am tired. I don't really like being touched when I don't feel good and that upsets him. Although I do like when he rubs my back when I don't feel well, so maybe that will help when I am in labor.
Intimacy...well there hasn't been much:) I won't really go into details since this has been online:) I just haven't really felt into it and Matt has been really good about not getting mad our upset. I am hoping that it changes as I go into my second trimester. My mom said it did for her and others I have talked to have said the same thing. Matt is crossing his fingers.
Yesterday I received my maternity pants I had ordered for work. They are way more comfortable than my old work pants. I am thinking about buying some jeans and shorts from old navy online. I am still fitting into my jeans, but they are becoming a little uncomfortable. Plus as it gets warmer out I know I won't fit into my old things.
This week went to Tri-Cities and looked at baby gear. I think we have found the infant car seat we want and stroller. Those are some of the things that we will purchase ourselves. So, I am hoping that we will get them soon. I have also been looking at diaper bags and I may buy one when we are in Boise this week. I just want something to look at!
I haven't had any dreams yet about the baby. Matt says that he has had a few. My friend Sarah has a had a few. I feel kind of weird that I haven't, but my mom said she didn't until later on in her pregnancy. I think I probably will as it gets closer to the time the baby will be here.
We still have our lists of names on the fridge. We haven't really eliminated any yet. Matt has his favorite girl name and I don't know if will budge, which isn't bad because I like it too.
I will try to get the pictures posted before next week!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

7 Weeks

I have thrown up a couple of times this week; no fun! Each day varies as to whether or not I will be sick. Sometimes it is all day and other's it is just in the morning. I did have a day where I wasn't sick at all, it was amazing! I figure I only have maybe four more weeks of being sick..if I am lucky!
I have still been cramping, so I decided to call my doctor this week. I left a message for the nurse and she called back about fifteen minutes later. She asked me questions like " are you having trouble going to the bathroom?" and " have you had a fever?." I answered "no" to both of them and then she asked if I could come right in. So, we headed up to the office. I was so nervous that something was going to be wrong or that I miscarried. Matt was calm the whole time and he prayed before we went in. The doctor did an ultrasound to make sure the baby was in the right place. Matt got to be in the room, which was really nice that we got to experience that together. Our baby looks like a kidney bean, but you could see the heart beating. The baby was in the right place, which is such a relief. Seeing the heart beat was amazing. I didn't' cry like I thought I would because I think I was so relieved that everything was okay. I fell in love with our baby the minute I saw the heart beating. I am looking forward to when I can feel it kicking and hiccuping.
Three days before I had to go into the doctor I had recieved my Oregon Health Plan approval and card. It came at the right time because we would have had to pay for that visit out of our pocket. Definitely a Godsend.
My Aunt Kim sent me a text message this morning saying that she was sorry I was sick and she knew how it was and that I was going to make a great mommy. After reading it, I broke down into tears. I am so nervous that I am not going to make a good mom. I am sure that every mom feels this way, but I think about it constantly. Maybe it is just because my hormones are all messed up!
My clothes are beginning to not fit very well. My Aunt Kim says that I look pregnant by the look on my face. She was surprised none of the ladies picked up on it at church because she said she noticed that my body is changing. I did order my first pair of maternity pants. They are for work because my work pants now are already to small! Hopefully I will get them by early next week.
We decided to go ahead and tell everyone that we are pregnant since we had been to the doctor and everything was fine. It will be interesting to see what people's reactions are. I am going into my eighth weeks this week and I am going to have Matt take a picture of me!

6 Weeks

Morning Sickness has arrived! BOO! It is awful people, I hope none of you have it! I am sick all day and all night. This weekend I was dry heaving all morning, which was just awful. Matt doesn't know what to do for me. He did go buy ginger ale and that really helped settle my stomach. I am eating a lot of saltines!
I have only noticed two food aversions so far. The only thing I have craved, which is random is fries. Luckily Matt doesn't do everything I want him to otherwise I would have gained ten pounds already! I thought it would be hard working at a restaurant with all the different smells, but it has been too bad yet. I don't want to eat anything that contains chicken or fish. The smell and sight of those things makes me want to throw up.
I am getting really tired at work and my back hurts after my shift. I bought some new gel insoles for my shoes, so hopefully those work.
Mood swings have definitely come into play this week. I am very irritable all the time it seems like. My family and husband would say that this is nothing new, but I blame it on being pregnant! I do feel bad for Matt though because he does take the brunt of it. He is doing well though and has been really great so far. I am lucky to have such a caring husband!
Sleeping has also been a problem lately. I am trying to train myself to sleep on my left side because that is what the books tell you to do. The baby gets better oxygen that way. But, I am a right side sleeper and it has been hard to switch.
I bought a exercise tape for pregnant women at Wal-Mart the other day. It is a good work out and they also have strength training on there too. Hopefully I will be able to do that and walking. Being pregnant during the summer will be nice because I will be able to be more active outside.

5 Weeks

My heartburn is beginning to cease which is nice. Everything I ate was giving me heartburn, which was a little annoying. I am tired in the afternoons a lot and am finding out that I am taking more naps. My breasts are becoming bigger and I had to get a new bra already. I sleep in a sport's bra some nights because they are so sore and it seems to help.
I found out this week that Sarah Mwango is pregnant too. I am excited for both her and Edwin. Our weddings were three weeks apart, so we got to go through that together. Sarah's due date is four days after mine, so we will get to go through this together too. It will be nice to be able to relate with someone else!
My friend Brooklynn has offered a crib to Matt and I. It was given to them after they found out they were pregnant, but they never used it. They just stored it away and it is basically brand new. This is such a blessing because cribs are expensive. We haven't seen it yet, but Brooklynn said it was the light wood coloring. Matt isn't the biggest fan of that, so he says he will sand it down and re-stain it. We will see what it looks like before we have him do that though!
I sent off my application for Oregon Health Plan. They say it takes about two weeks for you to get approved and your card mailed to you. I am glad that it is all taken care of because that way our families don't have to worry about it.

4 Weeks

I haven't really been experiencing any morning sickness yet or any other symptoms. I have had a lot of heartburn, which I never get so that is something new for me to deal with. I have had some minor cramping.
Since I don't have insurance, I have to apply for the Oregon Health Plan. I am going to try to get my application in by the end of the week, so that will be taken care of. I printed off the application and filled it all out. It is pretty basic, it just requires a lot of copies of things. So, I have to get my pay stub copied, my doctor's note, my Student Aid Report, and my birth certificate. Getting all of that stuff together has been kind of a pain.
I am still not used to the idea that I am pregnant. I can't believe that Matt and I are going to be parents. I am worried about what a lot of people are going to say, since we haven't been married for a year yet. I am also not looking forward to the hearing people's opinion about why I am using a doctor instead of a mid-wife. Matt and I have chosen the way we want to go about it and don't really need other's opinion on it.
I bought the book "What to expect When expecting". It is has a lot of good information on it and it is a easy to read. I have skipped ahead to the the later months of pregnancy and I think I have the whole book read now!

Telling the Familiy

We left for Ontario Tuesday to be with the family, I made Matt promise he wouldn't say anything to his family yet. I wanted to be able to wait a week or so to tell both families. Well to say the least he crumbled like a cookie. He told everyone BUT his mom. I was so irritated because I had done so good not saying anything to my mom!
Sunday we decided to tell my family. We wrapped up a baby gown and a baby name book and gave it to my mom to open. When she opened it, she said "Is this supposed to tell me something?." I said "We're pregnant." My dad was like "no way". They really didn't believe us until I told them I had three pregnancy tests done and they all were positive. They were happy and excited for us!
I called Aunt Kim and Aunt Donna from my parents house to tell them. My Aunt Donna was screaming on the phone "WOW". It was funny and she was really excited for us. I had my mom call to see if my Aunt Kim was there..big mistake. When I told her, she was like I thought something was up by the way that your mom was talking! But, she was excited for us too!
After we left my parents we decided to go and tell my Grandma before she left for Seattle. We talked to her awhile before we told her the news. She couldn't stop laughing she was so excited and she can't believe she is going to be a Great-Grandma! It would have been really neat to have my Grandpa there to tell and I cried a little when I was over there. But, I know that he knows.
Tuesday Matt's parents came down, so that we could tell his mom. We did the same gift thing with her and she immediately said " your pregnant!" She was excited that she was going to be a Grandma and I am sure is starting to make baby blankets.
Matt and I decided that we were only going to tell our close friends for the time being. I was only four weeks along and I didn't want to tell everyone and then something happen like I miscarry. We decided we would try to keep it a secret until April 10th after my first doctor's appointment. So, we started calling our close friends all who were excited for us. Many didn't believe us, they thought we were joking.

Finding out the News

Saturday February 17th is the day that we found out I was pregnant. That morning I woke up before Matt and for whatever reason I decided to take one of the pregnancy tests that I had bought. I knew there might be a slight chance we were pregnant, but didn't think that we were. I had bought one of the digital ones, so as I waited for the answer to come back I was thinking that I was probably getting my hopes up a little bit. To my surprise it flashed "pregnant". I sat there for about ten minutes not knowing what to think. I took the test four days before my period was supposed to start, so I thought maybe it could be wrong.
I wasn't going to say anything to Matt until I took another test a few days later, but that didn't work out so well. I walked into the spare room where he was and he knew that something was up by the look on my face. There was no way keeping it a secret, so I told me we were pregnant. Matt was more excited at that point than I was, but I think I was just still in shock that it was positive. We decided not to say anything to anyone until I took another test because we didn't want to get everyones hopes up.
Sunday afternoon I went to lunch with Katelyn after church and I told her what was going. I had to tell someone! She didn't really say anything at first because she was in shock too! I made her promise she wouldn't say anything to mom, which I knew was going to be hard for the both of us!
Monday morning the day before I was supposed to start my period I took another test and it said that I was pregnant. I made an appointment with the student health center for that morning. I went in and they also confirmed a positive pregnancy. The Nurse Practitioner asked "is this a good thing." I kind laughed for a moment and told her "yes it was." She wrote me a doctor's note saying it was positive and when my due date was. She also gave me a bottle of prenatal vitamins to start taking.
Although the news was exciting for Matt and I, it came at a rough time. His Grandma had just passed away the day before we found out and his Grandpa had passed three weeks before that. So, it was rough to be excited because he was grieving at the same time.