I thought I would try and write this really quick while he is sleeping! It is going to be long, so bear with me!
My contractions started at around 8 Saturday night. They weren't very hard contractions and so I ignored them while I worked on some homework! But, then I was like this are getting a little more uncomfortable and they are pretty close together. I started timing them around 8:45 and they were consistent for about a half an hour coming every three minutes and lasting about 55 seconds.
My mom happened to call because my dad had this instinct that they should just call. Lucky that they did, so I described to her what I was feeling and she said that they were contractions. I had Katelyn come and pick me up. I grabbed my hospital bag and we head to my parents house. I called Matt at work to just let him know what was going on and that if I called in the next half hour or so that we would be going up to the hospital.
At my mom's both Katelyn and my mom started timing them and Kallan kept a chart of how long and how far apart. Colton came home from work and was a little surprised to see everyone staring a me. After about an hour I called the hospital and they told me to come up. So, we all headed up there. I don't think my mom has ever driven that fast. Every time I had a contraction in the car she would hit the accelerator.
After I got up to the OB floor they put the fetal monitor on and they said they would observe me for an hour. My contractions were coming at a steady rate. She checked me and I was right at a two.
Matt showed up in half hour. He drove pretty fast because he made it there in about a half an hour. Poor guy had just come off working two days of overtime and my poor dad had put in about an 80 hour week as well.
They had my get up and walk around in the halls and that is when it became really painful. The pressure was so great down there from the bag of water and they were so close together my contractions. They finally had me get into a robe after that and checked me again. I was at a 3 and my water bag was right there, she said it could break at any time. So, she called my doctor and they admitted me. So it was 1:30 at this time..he was born at 3:38
Side note: Everyone in my family was there. My parents and siblings, Grandma, Aunt Kim, and my cousin Devin.
My contractions were really painful and I broke down crying to Matt because I was like if these are bad now and they are going to get worse, I can't handle them. I am going to need an epidural. Matt did a really good job of calming me down.
They went to put an IV in, I don't remember what time. Both the nurses tried to get in, but I guess my veins kept disappearing. It hurt really bad because they kept poking and it was always that the height of my contraction. The nurse supervisor came down 45 minutes later to get in, but she was supposed to be there in 20. By the time she got it in I was already dilated to a 10 and I was so upset I started to cry because it was so painful. I thought that maybe I could have at least gotten some stadol to take the edge off.
By that point I was telling them that I had to push. Dr. Thomson was on his way and I didn't think that I could wait until we go there. The minute he got in the room he broke my water...finally. The contractions weren't' so bad after that.
I started pushing my mom on side and Matt on the other. The rest of my family was in the back watching. It hurt to push, but they kept telling me what a good job I was doing. My mom kept telling me that she could see his hair and that made me excited.
His heart rate dropped really really low and so Dr. Thomson had to use a vacuum to push him out. I didn't have time to realize how scary the situation was. I could see on the Dr.'s face that he was really nervous and Matt was nervous. He just told me to push, I was so scared that I wasn't going to be able to push good enough to get him out. But, finally he came out and Matt cut the cord really quick.
They sat him on my chest and it was just so amazing to look down at my son. He was so beautiful and then to think that Matt and I created him together. It was just a special moment for us.
They took the baby away to get him cleaned up and weighed. My entire family was over there to greet him and hold him. Matt wouldn't leave my side, but I told him to go over and hold his son.
It took awhile to deliver my placenta and then I kept bleeding. He was trying to get all the clots out and that was pretty painful. My tearing wouldn't have been that bad except that they had to use the vacuum. It took him almost two hours to stitch me up.
During that time everyone was holding the baby and taking pictures. Matt went out to call his family. Finally around five my parents came over and kissed me goodbye and the rest of the family left.
It was seven in the morning by the time they got us moved to the next room. I didn't sleep at all maybe an hour. I told Matt to go home and get some sleep because he was exhausted.
Here are a few pictures of the labor and delivery. I squeezed Matt's hand a lot during my contractions, afterwards I had no strength left!