Friday, August 31, 2007

30 Weeks~Depressing~

Some may wonder why I titled this week depressing. Well, it was depressing because I had a doctor's appointment. I have been trying to figure out whether or not I should post about it in details because it is very embarrassing to talk about. But, I figured I should get over it...or try to at least and share with all of you. Plus like I said hopefully it will make those who go through pregnancy feel better about it...really I just say that to make myself feel a little bit better:)
My glucose scores were good and my numbers were where he wanted them to be, so that was good news. I had figured nothing was wrong since they never called me about them. The babies heartbeat was strong at 140 bpm. It was really cute because he had the hiccups while she was listening to it. I haven't really felt him have the hiccups, so it was neat to hear them.
Dr. Tompson has started measuring me from the top of my uterus to the top of my pubic bone. The cm in length should correlate with how many weeks I am. I measured at 32 and I wasn't quite 31 weeks at that point. So, I am on the higher end which he isn't concerned. Just means that baby is going to be big. My mom thinks this is funny because she had all big babies. As long as he isn't over 11 pounds like my brother I will be happy:)
My weight...well here we go..sigh. I really do want to cry. I gained 9 pounds. Shocking I know I couldn't believe it either. I honestly don't feel like I have gained that much weight. The Dr. was pleased because that brings my total weight gain to 25 pounds and he wants me to be at 35 by the end. Plus he said it mostly baby because I am not showing it anywhere else really. So, I know that he has a point there, but still.... That is my sob story for the week:)


Sarah Mwango said...

Hey Kylee...
I think it was something about week 20 that gives the blues... I didn't get the weight gain blues but I got the other not so great pregnancy blues... (not sure if I should post them in my blog or not) LOL! But oh well it will all be over soon and then we will want these precious moments back! I am glad everything is going good for you though!

Sarah Mwango said...

WHOOPS.. I meant to say week 30!!!

Brittney said...

sweetie you have nothing to worry about with the weight...i'll let you in on a secret....with matthew i couldn't eat for three months and when i could eat i probably gained all the weight i should have in two months! yes i was a fatty after he was born...i finally got down to where i only had 15 to lose but then got preggo again :) sigh... so you are doing so awesome with your weight gain! and i'm happy for you!