Friday, August 31, 2007

31 Weeks

This week has been a tough one on my body. Being at the school all day and mostly standing doing things has been really hard on my back. By the end of the day all I want to do is lie down and not get up. But, I still have a house to clean and a husband to take care of:)
Baby has moved a lot this week. The teachers at the school think it is so neat to watch during our meetings because my belly is just constantly moving. I guess he is excited that mom is going back to school or he just likes to show off:)
I still have the aching on my right side and it goes away if I push on it. Although now the minute I put an pressure on it he is very quick to kick me. He mus think it is funny. I also have felt my uterus moving up this week and I think that may be contributing to the achy feelings. I didn't think it was possible, but it is that he has moved higher up into my rib cage. Sometimes it hurts when he kicks or elbows.
I think he must have changed positions and his head my be down because I felt his hiccup last night for the first time. My mom said she felt them all the time, but that was because we were always head down first. He didn't stay there for long, but hopefully he moves back into that position because I don't want him to be breech!
I start my 32nd week next week! So, I will officially be eight months pregnant I can't believe I only have eight weeks left. It doesn't sound like that many and really looking at the calender it isn't that many! Scary that I am going to be a mom!
Our pre-natal classes start next Tuesday! I think they will be boring for me for the most part, but not so much for Matt. I will blog about it next week. Oh and I will have a picture up. I took one this morning, but I need to run to wal-mart to have it printed off. I will post it tonight!

1 comment:

Karli said...

where's your pic? (:

Do you want me to include the bedroom theme and/or color theme on the invitation or not? It's up to you. Let me know asap. Love you!