Wednesday, August 22, 2007

29 Weeks

* back ache
* lack of sleep
* heart burn
* leg cramps
* aching pain on right side of rib cage

This week was filled with mommy getting the nursery painted and put together:) I found the paint color that I wanted..sort of. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind and I think it took a me a few days to get used to it, but I really like it. The best way to describe it is a light pastel green. All the walls are the green and then the molding I painted a dark cream color. I also spray painted the changing table and that was a lot of work. My fingers got cramped from holding the nozzle down. I spray painted it dark cream to match the molding. I also go the shelf and the mirror painted the same cream color.
For right now all of his clothes are in his crib. He is a very spoiled boy already. I have bought a ton of things at yard sales, so there is a lot and I haven't even had my baby showers yet!
It is getting harder to sleep because he is kicking/moving a lot. Sometimes I will be just about a sleep and then he starts practicing his kick bowing! Sometimes I kind of almost scream because it catches me off guard:)
The other night Matt and I were lying in bed and I had him put his hand on my side where the baby always moves and kicks. Matt that it was the greatest thing to sit there for a half hour and just feel him move and try to figure out if it was his elbow or what.
I have noticed that he is very active in the mornings. He wakes me up about six or some and then he quiets down and wakes back up around nine and is moving until 11 and then he must fall back asleep. He is quiet most of the afternoon until around 3-3:30 and he moves a little and then falls back asleep. Then he very active and awake starting round 9pm. He moves during his sleepy times too, but just to change positions.
I am having a lot of fun being pregnant and I am sad that it is going to end soon. I only have ten weeks left, which isn't very long at all! It is kind of scary!
Matt and I signed up for our pre-natal classes. It looks like Matt will be able to go to the at least the first two and my mom might have to come with me to the last two. I don't really feel like I need to go, but I want to go for the breathing techniques. Those classes will start in September and they are every Tuesday.
I have another doctor's appointment this week, so we will say what the scale has to say!


Karli said...

you are so far ahead of me in the baby preparation department. I feel behind and overwhelmed with the cost (financially) and hope to get caught up sometime. There are so many things I want to do, but I feel kind of paralyzed...And, I'm still pretty discouraged about the smell in the house. I have been putting fresheners in every room and now I'm starting to put them in the closets too. Hopefully that will help. Love you!

MissaRae said...

It was great to see you guys at the party. Thanks so much for coming. I am glad to see that you like the movie. I enjoyed it too. Well, I have to hurry and get to bed, we are having a yard sale Friday and Saturday at my friend Julie's house. If you want to swing by, it's on 0 avenue, one block north of my parents. Love you guys, Melissa. (Oh, by the way, Your sister Kaitlin ROCKS!! Ask her why)