Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Boy or Girl?

Yesterday morning was our ultra-sound at the hospital. It is a routine one that they have everyone one do at five months to make sure that everything looks good.
It was at 8:00 in the morning and we had to be there at 7:30. I had to be there with a full bladder, which when you are pregnant it so awful! I was able to do it though!
The ultra-sound was amazing. I watched on tv while I was lying down and Matt stood behind the tech. and watched her screen. It was so amazing to see the little baby that was moving around and kicking me. I don't know how to put into words and I am sure that it will be even more breath taking when the baby is born.
She asked us at the beginning whether we wanted to know what we were having and we told her yes. I thought she might make us wait until the very end, but she didn't!
So, she was looking around and I knew she was looking for it. At first Matt and I both were like oh it is a girl and then we were like...nope that is definitely a boy! So, yes we are having a sweet little baby boy!
Everyone thought we were having a girl. I think only ten people if that thought it was a boy. In the back of my head I thought we were having a boy. Matt was excited as was I. I am going to start crying typing about it right now! He was so cute to watch in the ultra-sound. Just simply beautiful.
We got to see his arms, legs, nose, lips, his heart and the four chambers, kidneys, bladder, the brain, and she checked one more time to see if it was still a boy. To say the least he was very proud of himself!
Watching him move and flip around was so awesome. When he does flip over my stomach gets really hard in that one place. It is really neat. During one the shots we got to see him moving his mouth like he was yawning or drinking in fluid. He also at one point moved his arm like he was waving, saying "hi" to us. So precious. That was so cool to watch! She put it on a cd with other pictures, so we could watch it on the computer.
At the end of the u/s she was trying to look at my cervix, but his head was right there. She tried everything for about 15 mins. trying to get him to move and he just wouldn't. It was funny because it was like he was being stubborn.
After we got done and left the hospital we told our families. Matt's mom called and she was surprised, but excited. His dad was really wanting a boy so he was thrilled.
We had to wait for my mom to get back because my brother was taking his driver's license test. She was really surprised, she for sure thought I was having a girl. I called my aunt's and told them.
When my Dad got home from lunch we had three pictures that they had printed out and we had them in order with the last one being the picture saying "boy parts" on it. It was fun to watch his reaction. He was excited and then I showed all of them the video clip of him.
Matt and I also went to Wal-Mart and bought some boy clothes! The rest of the day I called our friends to let them know the news.
I am glad that we found out because I am going to not be able to travel to get a lot of things. Especially now that we know it is a boy because there is no boy clothes here. So, that really help out in that department.
We are thrilled..and not are trying to come up with names that we can agree on! But, that will be a secret until the end!
I will post all the pictures in a separate post!


mllyk said...

WOOHOO! A precious baby boy! Reading this post made me cry! It totally reminded me of when John & I first discovered "who" Holden was, & how it felt watching him on that screen. I can't wait to do it again too! We get to find out in the middle of July! Woohoo! Just around the corner. ;)

Kylee, I'm so excited for you!!! It's just so awesome & so amazing!! :D
Congratulations on your baby boy!!! Hehe!

MissaRae said...

OMG!! That is so awesome. Reading that totally made me emotional. I remember the u/s and all the things I felt while watching. SO Awesome!! I bet you will stare at those photos for days. We Love you guys!! Congrats!