Saturday, June 30, 2007

21 Weeks

* leg cramps
* tons of weird dreams
* slight heartburn increase

* lucky charms

I have forgotten to mention in past weeks that I have been having a lot of dreams. It is amazing how vivid they are and how well I remember them after waking up. Most of them don't make any sense to me at all. This week my Mom and Aunt Kim both had dreams about the baby.

I have also noticed a pattern in his movement the last two weeks. He is always moving to the point where I can feel him between 9-10 at night. I am noticing more movement during the day or earlier in the evenings. I am not sure if that is just because he is getting bigger and I am starting to notice it more.

We have decided on a name, but it is going to be a kept a secret from the general public for awhile. Our families and a few close friends will know, but other than that everyone will have to wait until October.

I have a doctor's appointment soon and I am a little nervous. He is going to go over the ultra-sound results. I am sure that if there was a serious problem they would have called us right away, so I don't know why I get myself worked up. Plus it will be interesting to see how much weight I have gained since my last appointment, which was over a month ago!

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