Tuesday, June 19, 2007

20 Weeks

This week has been a busy one and so it was hard to jot down everything to blog about.

more heartburn
not as many leg cramps!

I am finding new positions to sleep in and that really helps with staying comfortable. Sometimes I toss and turn for a little bit, but then I get comfortable. I feel bad for Matt I probably wake him up a lot!
Daddy finally got to feel baby kick this week! It was such a special moment. The last couple of times I have felt the baby kick hard Matt is always just a little late getting into the room and then the baby calms down and just chills out:) This time though it was the hardest I have felt the baby kick and it scared me a little at first. It was so neat to watch Matt's face. We both just sat there waiting for the baby to kick and the baby did. It was as if the baby knew that we were there waiting. It was a emotional moment for Matt and I. To feel the child that you created move inside of you is amazing.
Mommy's belly has popped out a little more. Not to much, but to the point where people can now tell that I am pregnant. I think that I am carrying more in my back and that may explain why it hurts a lot more for not being so big yet. Plus it could be the reason that I am not showing all out front. Also, my hips have always been wide so I may carry it more there too.
People have been asking me if I am scared about the labor and to be honest I haven't really thought about it that much. I know that it is something that I am going to have to do, there is no way around it. But, at the end you have a beautiful baby and it makes it worth it. I really don't want an epidural. If it gets to bad then I will probably get one, but I want to try and do it without it. We will see...
I got really sick this week and it was awful. I woke up around six in the morning Wed throwing up what I had for dinner the night before. I was worried that I may have food poisoning but I don't think I did. The rest of Wednesday was miserable. I couldn't keep anything down and for the first part of the morning I had diarrhea(gross I know). I was supposed to work that night, so I finally found someone to take the shift. I was all by myself because Matt was still out of town. By the end of the night I was finally able to eat chicken broth. The smell made me want to throw up but at least I kept it down. Thursday and Friday I was still really nauseated, but I was able to eat.
We found out that Zac&Karli are expecting a baby! We couldn't be more excited for them. I feel awful for Karli because she has been so sick. I know how she feels although I think she has it a little worse than I did. They are going to make such great parents. I get so emotional about it whenever I write/talk about it! She is due in Jan. and that is exciting because our kids will only be a few months apart!

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