Thursday, April 5, 2007

Two things that you don't say:)

First I need to apologize for my last blog. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, so please forgive me if I did. I really do love getting advice..really. I was just trying to say more or less that I wish some people would respect that I am going to a doctor and not make me feel guilty for it. I should have just said it like that! Again..I am SO sorry!

I was thinking of this today in math class. Two of the girls who know I am pregnant are funny because they immediately look at my stomach when I walk in every day:) It is funny to watch their eyes and faces. I try to tell them I am not showing yet because the baby is the size of a grape..well maybe a fig:) But, it is me just getting fat! This brings me to two things that were said to me at church on Sunday. I was a little um I guess you could say offended at first, but I love both these women dearly and know they didn't mean any harm. But, I don't think that I would say this to a pregnant women.

Lady One: "Congrats Kylee, that is so exciting! Oh look at your little pregnant belly popping out there! She proceeds to touch it:)

Lady Two: "Well you are just letting it all hang out there aren't you?"

The first one wasn't too bad, the second one I wanted to say "Thanks a lot for telling me I am fat!" I try to suck it in as much as possible and I wasn't even wearing a very tight shirt or anything.
I know it is random, but I just thought it was funny. I wanted to write about it, so I didn't forget about it later!


Karli said...

people can be so funny. Megan was telling me the other day that she took Austin somewhere to talk to a lady and when she got there the woman said, "I know your son is wild and really bad at church so I put away anything he could break." Megan just laughed but thought, "is he that bad?" He's not, I can attest to that, he's a great kid...I just think that sometimes after people's children are grown, they forget what being a young pregnant woman, or young mom with young kids is like. They forget that their kids were normal and hyper at that age too. It's so interesting how some people lose the virtue of tact in their speaking too.. Sorry that happened! (: Hang in there, you are always beautiful and I am so excited to see you sometime and talk in person about all this! Can't wait to see how the dr's appt. goes! Love you!

Brittney said...

oh man as far as the advice thing goes i totally understand...i was going nuts to with all the "advice" people were giving me. and i have an ob doc as well and wouldn't trade him for anything!

i'm super excited for you and i hope we can run into each other soon!