Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Overwhelmed by Advice

Since we announced the new to everyone, all I have been getting is advice. It seems that everyone thinks that I want their advice. I don't want to sound mean because I am thankful for some of what I get.
The thing I don't like about it is that some people don't agree with the choice that Matt and I have made about using an OB doctor. I usually don't say anything to the people that come at me with why we are making a mistake. I just sit there and listen to them ramble. My opinion is this: I chose to have a doctor because I am way more comfortable in having one. Matt is in the medial field and so I have a lot of respect for others that are in it as well. I love my Dr. Thompson. He is super nice and always concerned about me and the baby. He puts me at ease when I am nervous about things and he is just an all around nice guy. Now, if others choose to go another route Great! That is their choice and I respect that. What I am asking for is some respect on my end and to stop badgering about our choice. With that being said..
Here is some the advice that I have gotten so far..that I like:)

* Get massages
* Don't wait to buy maternity clothes
* Coke sometimes eases Heartburn
* Saltines sometimes ease heartburn
* No matter how big you are someone will always joke you are as big as a don't get upset
* Go and swim laps
* Yoga exercise help when it is time deliver
* Always carry a snack with you
* Stretch marks are inevitable( how sad:))
* Everyone will want to touch your belly and most won't ask for permission
* Take as much free stuff you can get

I have some other things written down somewhere, but I will add onto the list as I get more stuff. One book that I would recommend getting is "What to expect when expecting" It has a lot of good information in it. Plus it is a really quick read..I have read the entire book and still re-read it! I also use a website called it tells you every week how your baby is developing and that is really neat to see/read.


MissaRae said...

Okay, so I stumbled onto your myspace page and then made it over to this one. I am hoping that I was one of the "good advice" givers and not the "shut up already" advice givers. Just kidding. I am totally excited for you guys and can't wait to see your pictures when you get it figured out. Take care and call if you need anything. Cousin Melissa.

MissaRae said...

Just so you know, I was not offended at all. I thought it was funny, because I have been a recipiant of pregnancy advice myself. Some of the things people say SHOCK the heck out of me. I talked to your sister at Nell's last night and she seems very excited as well. I said, Hi Auntie. Anyway, chat with you later, Melissa.

MissaRae said...

You didn't hurt my feelings. Don't fret. I am so glad you are feeling better and can't wait for you to hit about week 14. Do you know why? You should start feeling movement!!!! It's the most amazing experience I've ever had. So be prepared to freak out and call everyone you know! I have so much work to do so I had better run. Let me know if you need help with anything. Melissa.