Friday, August 31, 2007

31 Weeks

This week has been a tough one on my body. Being at the school all day and mostly standing doing things has been really hard on my back. By the end of the day all I want to do is lie down and not get up. But, I still have a house to clean and a husband to take care of:)
Baby has moved a lot this week. The teachers at the school think it is so neat to watch during our meetings because my belly is just constantly moving. I guess he is excited that mom is going back to school or he just likes to show off:)
I still have the aching on my right side and it goes away if I push on it. Although now the minute I put an pressure on it he is very quick to kick me. He mus think it is funny. I also have felt my uterus moving up this week and I think that may be contributing to the achy feelings. I didn't think it was possible, but it is that he has moved higher up into my rib cage. Sometimes it hurts when he kicks or elbows.
I think he must have changed positions and his head my be down because I felt his hiccup last night for the first time. My mom said she felt them all the time, but that was because we were always head down first. He didn't stay there for long, but hopefully he moves back into that position because I don't want him to be breech!
I start my 32nd week next week! So, I will officially be eight months pregnant I can't believe I only have eight weeks left. It doesn't sound like that many and really looking at the calender it isn't that many! Scary that I am going to be a mom!
Our pre-natal classes start next Tuesday! I think they will be boring for me for the most part, but not so much for Matt. I will blog about it next week. Oh and I will have a picture up. I took one this morning, but I need to run to wal-mart to have it printed off. I will post it tonight!

30 Weeks~Depressing~

Some may wonder why I titled this week depressing. Well, it was depressing because I had a doctor's appointment. I have been trying to figure out whether or not I should post about it in details because it is very embarrassing to talk about. But, I figured I should get over it...or try to at least and share with all of you. Plus like I said hopefully it will make those who go through pregnancy feel better about it...really I just say that to make myself feel a little bit better:)
My glucose scores were good and my numbers were where he wanted them to be, so that was good news. I had figured nothing was wrong since they never called me about them. The babies heartbeat was strong at 140 bpm. It was really cute because he had the hiccups while she was listening to it. I haven't really felt him have the hiccups, so it was neat to hear them.
Dr. Tompson has started measuring me from the top of my uterus to the top of my pubic bone. The cm in length should correlate with how many weeks I am. I measured at 32 and I wasn't quite 31 weeks at that point. So, I am on the higher end which he isn't concerned. Just means that baby is going to be big. My mom thinks this is funny because she had all big babies. As long as he isn't over 11 pounds like my brother I will be happy:)
My weight...well here we go..sigh. I really do want to cry. I gained 9 pounds. Shocking I know I couldn't believe it either. I honestly don't feel like I have gained that much weight. The Dr. was pleased because that brings my total weight gain to 25 pounds and he wants me to be at 35 by the end. Plus he said it mostly baby because I am not showing it anywhere else really. So, I know that he has a point there, but still.... That is my sob story for the week:)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

29 Weeks

* back ache
* lack of sleep
* heart burn
* leg cramps
* aching pain on right side of rib cage

This week was filled with mommy getting the nursery painted and put together:) I found the paint color that I wanted..sort of. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind and I think it took a me a few days to get used to it, but I really like it. The best way to describe it is a light pastel green. All the walls are the green and then the molding I painted a dark cream color. I also spray painted the changing table and that was a lot of work. My fingers got cramped from holding the nozzle down. I spray painted it dark cream to match the molding. I also go the shelf and the mirror painted the same cream color.
For right now all of his clothes are in his crib. He is a very spoiled boy already. I have bought a ton of things at yard sales, so there is a lot and I haven't even had my baby showers yet!
It is getting harder to sleep because he is kicking/moving a lot. Sometimes I will be just about a sleep and then he starts practicing his kick bowing! Sometimes I kind of almost scream because it catches me off guard:)
The other night Matt and I were lying in bed and I had him put his hand on my side where the baby always moves and kicks. Matt that it was the greatest thing to sit there for a half hour and just feel him move and try to figure out if it was his elbow or what.
I have noticed that he is very active in the mornings. He wakes me up about six or some and then he quiets down and wakes back up around nine and is moving until 11 and then he must fall back asleep. He is quiet most of the afternoon until around 3-3:30 and he moves a little and then falls back asleep. Then he very active and awake starting round 9pm. He moves during his sleepy times too, but just to change positions.
I am having a lot of fun being pregnant and I am sad that it is going to end soon. I only have ten weeks left, which isn't very long at all! It is kind of scary!
Matt and I signed up for our pre-natal classes. It looks like Matt will be able to go to the at least the first two and my mom might have to come with me to the last two. I don't really feel like I need to go, but I want to go for the breathing techniques. Those classes will start in September and they are every Tuesday.
I have another doctor's appointment this week, so we will say what the scale has to say!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

28 Weeks

* back ache
* leg cramps
* aching pain on my right side of rib cage

This week I can really feel the baby in rib cage. I think he thinks my ribs are a punching bag or something. I think he has kneed, elbowed, and kicked me in the ribs:) It isn't to the point where it hurts yet when he does it. When he does move up into my ribs, I get this aching pain and it is only on my right side. If I pinch it, then it goes away. It is so uncomfortable sometimes and I am having a hard time breathing sometimes.
I went into to do my glucose screening this week. I had to drink this orange soda basically. They allow you five minutes to drink it, so I thought I would pace myself while reading a magazine. I lost track of time and she tells me I have a minute left, well I had more than half the bottle left! I had to chug which almost made me throw up. I came back in an hour and they drew my blood. I haven't heard anything from the doctor, so that means I must not have anything wrong. The drink did make me a little sick for the rest of the day.
My mom got to feel the baby move this week. I think he was elbowing me, we were both trying to figure it out. I was excited that she really got to feel it this time. Also Katelyn got to feel him do the same thing. I was driving and he started moving so I put her hand on my stomach and he went crazy. Katelyn was excited that she finally got to feel it.
I bought the crib bedding this week. It was fun to put the crib together. I also bought the a paint and have started painting the room. I had to re-paint the changing table and I almost finished with that.
I am excited for baby shower next month that Karli is holding for me in Ontario. I will also have another in La Grande in October. It will be fun to see what "we" get!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

27 Weeks

My symptoms are pretty much the same for this week as last. I am kind of lazy today and I don't feel like typing them out.
This past week has been kind of a downer week for me. I have been really depressed about how my body looks. I see all these other pregnant women around town and friends that are pregnant and they all look great and then here I come. I know that every pregnant lady feels this way at least once during her pregnancy. Matt tells me that I look great and to be honest he still can't keep his hands off of me. It helps to know that he is still attracted to me even if I don't feel attractive.
I am going into my third trimester next week and it is weird. I am on the final stretch. It has gone by really fast. I am becoming more uncomfortable each week and I am sure that it will get worse as he gets bigger. I have been trying to guess how big he will be, but it is hard to tell. My mom had big babies. Colton was almost 12 pounds, both Kallan and I were almost ten pounds, and Katelyn was almost nine pounds. I hope I don't have a 11 pound baby like mom! I am thinking that he will be around 8 pounds or less, but who knows!
He is moving around a lot more. He doesn't really kick he just swims around:) He has changed positions. His legs are on the opposite side they were on a couple of weeks ago. I am becoming more and more emotional about his arrival. Anything with babies on tv makes me cry...yes even diaper commercials. I have also become more engrossed in my reading about labor and delivery and breast feeding. I think I have read the same sections ten times over!