Sunday, July 29, 2007

26 Weeks


* leg cramps

* extreme back pain

* trouble breathing

My back seems to hurting more after my shifts at work. I am sure it is because our little one is getting bigger:) Matt is really good about rubbing my back and feet though every night at work and he never complains about it. What a man!

This week I had a doctor's appointment and it was a little depressing:) Everything looked good and Matt got to hear the heartbeat this time. It was beating strong at 144 bpm. It is so much fun to hear every time, next time I want to record it:)

I haven't gone in for my blood work for the glucose screening yet. I am planning on doing that tomorrow morning. I think they make you drink a sugary(spelling) drink and then come back in an hour and then they draw your blood.

I did ask how my weight gain was and he was thrilled at how much I have gained. I have debated on whether or not to post on how much I gained because I really was almost in tears. I decided that I should share it with everyone and this way I will have record of it when I look back on this pregnancy. This month I gained 8 pounds! I couldn't believe that I gained that much because I didn't feel like I did. I know that it is a good thing because it means our little boy is developing at the rate he should be. The doctor said he would be concerned if I hadn't gained that much. Of course I threw myself a little pity part for a couple of days. My mom didn't really have any sympathy for me, she said that is pregnancy for you. She also said that there are times when you will gain a lot like that and others where you may only gain a pound. So, my total weight gain to 16 pounds so far. My total weight now is 161.

He is really moving around a lot more now and you can see this big bulge where he is sometimes. It is so crazy to watch my stomach transform as he moves around. I have been trying to get video clips of it, but he always calms down when I turn the camera on!

I have had a really hard time breathing this week. He has finally moved up into my ribs and it makes it really uncomfortable to sit or stand or sleep:) One night this week he was moving his legs and arms so on both sides of my belly I could feel him. He kept me up for about an hour and he isn't even out yet!

This week Matt and I got the cradle put together. It is old fashioned, but I love it because of its history. All four of us kids used it when we were babies and it is fun to be able to use it with him. Matt and I also set up the changing table. I just need to sand it and paint now. Today my Aunt Donna and Uncle Scott came over with their crib. Uncle Scott helped Matt set it up and I am so excited to have something to finally look at! Now I just need to get the room painted and the bedding. I have been holding off because I haven't wanted tot spend the money, but my goal is to get it done this coming month!

Here is a picture that Matt took of me this afternoon. I can't believe how much my belly has popped out since the first pictures that I have taken. I don't notice as much because I see myself every day, so it is a gradual change. When you look at the pictures, there is such a huge difference. I haven't had any stretch marks yet....key word there:)


Sarah Mwango said...

YAY! Kylee you look amazing! Looks like things are going great for you two. Tell Matt congrats on passing his RN test I bet he feels so relieved. I can't wait until we can see our lil babies faces and hold them and set up playdates for them! It is going to be soo much fun! Love you

Karli said...

oh my goodness I love that picture! your hair is dang cute too, but your tummy is just the cutest! Honestly, you look awesome. So proud of you. Don't worry about the weight thing. It will come off right after knowing your determination! Love you!