Monday, July 16, 2007

24 Weeks

*leg cramps
*slight swelling in fingers
* back aches

I think that this week the heat is really starting to get to me. I have been really cranky in the mornings because I just don't sleep soundly because I am hot. Plus in between getting up to go to the bathroom and leg cramps, I am up every hour. I keep hoping there will be a break in the weather!
I have noticed at nights my fingers are a little swollen and I can't get my wedding ring off. I am not sure if it is from the pregnancy or from the heat. I think it is a little of both. My hands normally get swollen when it is hot out like it has been even before I was pregnant.
I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday. It is always interesting to see how much weight I have gained. I am actually surprised with how fast the last four weeks have gone by since my last appointment. I think I have to my glucose screening done at this appointment. It is routine at around 26-28 weeks to check for gestational diabetes.
I also am going to start posting on Thursday's instead of earlier in the week. I am going to start going off my new due date Oct. 26th. So, you can start checking on the weekends for my weekly updates! I technically started my 25th week last Friday, so this weekend I will post about that week and hopefully be able to get on that track.

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