Friday, July 20, 2007

25 Weeks

* leg cramps
* backache

This week was relatively uneventful:) I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I am excited about this one. Nothing really special is happening, but it will be the first time that Matt will hear the baby's heartbeat. He hasn't been able to go to the last two appointments with me because of school purposes.
I have been a little on edge this week because I don't feel that the baby is moving enough. He does move, but I guess he doesn't kick as much as I think he should. Although he has started to jab me in the ribs when I lay on my sides:) But, I am a big worry wart and so I overreact. It feels like he scrunches up in a ball and then he stretches out. It will be fun to see how is movements are outside of the womb. It might explain what I was feeling.
Matt and I are getting more excited about his arrival. This morning we were debating about who he will look like. I think he will look just like Matt, but Matt thinks he will looks just like me. It is hard to tell from the ultra-sound except all of my family has said that he does look like he has my sharp chin.
I found out this morning that my friend Molly and her husband are having a baby girl! This is there second and we are so excited for them!
Next week I will be posting a picture since it has already been three weeks!

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