Tuesday, July 3, 2007

22 Weeks

*slight swelling of ankles
* lower backache
* leg cramps

I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday. I was nervous about getting on the scale because I haven't been keeping track at home how much I have gained. Plus I took a picture for last week and I refuse to post it because I look awful. My face is fat, my arms are fat...sigh...it is embarrassing. But, I will take one this week because I need to. Hopefully it turns out better.
The appointment didn't last very long. They took my blood pressure and listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was going strong at 140 bpm. Always so much fun to hear his little heart beating and to know that he is doing well.
Dr. Tompson came in and told me that the ultra-sound results looked normal and that was a relief for me since I am such a worry wart. He commented on my new hair cut. I chopped it off very short. My mom and I thought it was funny he noticed because most men don't and it was the first thing that he said when he walked into the room.
My total weight gain so far is 8 pounds. I can't believe that I haven't gained more. I feel huge, but that number isn't huge! Dr. Tompson did say that my weight gain looks good, he would like it to be a little higher, but he isn't worried. He said that I look healthy and the baby's weight is good. I reassured him that do eat and not healthy all the time! So, my weight right now is 150. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to see it on the scale. It is the most I have ever weighed, but that is a part of pregnancy and the weight is definitely worth it.
Look for a picture next week!


MissaRae said...

It was good to see you guys on Saturday. Your hair is very cute, and it's nice to have it shorter when it is so hot isn't it? I can't believe I even went out in public after walking and being all sweaty. I knew I would see someone I knew, but you guys are family so who cares anyway. I'm glad to see you are doing well. Tell whoever is giving your baby shower that I would love to help if need be. Take care, and enjoy the feeling of the baby moving inside you.....I still miss that so much and have to say I am a bit jealous. Brian would love to try and have a little girl, but I am just so tired.....I don't know if I have it in me. Besides that, my Mom and Dad would FREAK OUT!!! Not to mention my Grandma's.....so anyway, stay cool (literally) and have a great week. Love you both, Melissa.

Karli said...

I want to see pictures of the new haircut! And, that cute body of yours. 8 pounds is so not a big deal and you are doing awesome! Glad to hear that little boy is healthy and so good to chat with you last week a little.

hopefully we'll get to see you soon. love you!