Tuesday, May 15, 2007

15 Weeks

I finished my 15th week yesterday and it is time to blog about it!

* heartburn
* lower backache
* headaches

My heartburn seems to be increasing. I am still taking my medication and the heartburn isn't nearly as severe as it was. I am finding out that dairy mostly milk either gives me heartburn. I am not much of a milk drinker,but just the little I have in my cereal does damage. But, it is where I can handle it and go about my daily life:)
My back only hurts when I am at work. I have still been lifting the heavy trays when I have big groups. I don't think I will be doing that for to many more weeks, since I will get bigger.
I have noticed an increase in headaches this week. They aren't always really bad, but when they are it almost feels like a migraine. I hope that it doesn't last forever!
I did have my doctor's appt. I blogged about it earlier. I am very excited for the ultra-sound and to make sure that everything looks okay.
I started feeling the baby move this week. I have really only felt it kick once and that was really exciting. Last night at work it was doing somersaults or something because he/she was very active. I still sometimes have a hard time figuring out if it is gas or the baby:) I am sure I will be able to distinguish better as the pregnancy progresses.
My belly has started to pop out a little and those who know I am pregnant can tell. I am going to take pictures today and post them with next weeks blog. I think that I look pregnant..and not fat!

1 comment:

Karli said...

you are so flippin cute! When I saw you I could tell only a little bit right in your tummy, which is awesome. You look so fit & healthy & I am proud of you for walking & staying fit. You are an example to me! Love you!