Wednesday, May 9, 2007

2nd Dr. Appt.

I wasn't going to write about my doctor's appointment until next week with my 15th week blog, but I decided I would forget things, so I will write it now.
This appointment Matt didn't get to go with me because he had to be at clinical since he is missing two days this week when we are out of town. I had my mom come and pick me up and come with me. It was kind of weird having mom take me because she used to come to all my dr. appt. when I was little. It made it a little more surreal that I am pregnant and then I was emotional because I love my mom so much.
The first thing I do when I go back is to get weighed. Normally I dread it, but this time I was curious. Matt and some others were sure I had lost weight, I thought I had gained like five pounds. I gained one pound,which she said was about average. So, that brings me to 146. I am not sure what my starting weight was before pregnancy. I would say 141-142, so roughly I have gained four to five pounds. I decided that I am going to start recording my weight on here that way people can see and for me to see it too. This is basically my baby journal and I don't want to leave anything out.
After I was weighed she took back into the room where my mom was sitting. She took my blood pressure which was 112 over 64. I thought it was a little high for me..just because usually it is lower. For some reason I have low blood pressure. They chalk it up to me being athletic( I don't consider myself this anymore, so I think it is funny. )
Once she took my BP, she got the doppler out to listen to the baby's heartbeat. I was so excited because this was the first time I was going to get to hear it. She warned me that sometimes it takes her a little bit to find it, so not to get worried. My mom said she picked it up right away when she started looking for it. she kind of moved it around and then all of sudden I could I hear the little heart beating fast. It was such an amazing sound and one that I will never forget. The nurse was trying to time the beats for so many seconds, but the baby kept moving. It was so funny every time she would find it, the baby would sit still for a few seconds and the move again. The babies heartbeat was 156 beats per/minute. I was so upset that Matt wasn't there to hear it since it was the first time. I wanted to call him and leave a message on his phone while she was doing, so he could hear it. I know that he will hear it at our next appt. but I just wanted him to be there. I was happy that my mom was there though and she got to share that moment with me.
We scheduled our ultra-sound and it will be on June 18th at 8AM. I am excited to see the baby in more detail w/the machines up at the hospital and we get to find out what we are having. So, I am counting down the weeks until that appointment!

1 comment:

mllyk said...

Ah! The heart beat! The first time I ever heard Holden's I just burst out in tears! It was amazing. We actually saw his heart beating b/4 we heard it too (at our first visit & u/s). It's simply amazing every time. It will never get old & it will always tug at your heartstrings. Simply beautiful. :)

I wonder if they are going to treat you to a 4D u/s at your big u/s?!?! They surprised us w/ one when we had our big u/s for Holden. That'd be so awesome!!! La Grande's u/s pictures are SO clear & SO good too! You are going to have some great pictures! As much as I loved Holden's 4D pics too, I adored his regular profile picture! It was SO cute & SO perfect! I can't wait to see pics of your little one! I bet you can't wait even more though. Haha!

How exciting! I'm SO excited for you!!! :D