Tuesday, May 29, 2007

16 Weeks

I am officially 4 months pregnant! I think that is about the only exciting thing in my pregnancy this week. I am feeling the baby a little more. This baby though isn't very active....yet that is. It is a weird feeling to have your child moving in you. It sort of freaks me out every time the baby does move because it just something I have never experienced before. It is awesome though and I enjoy it. It makes me smile and I find myself talking to the baby in my head at times when I am can't out loud.
No new symptoms this week pretty much the same stuff. I have decided to go off my heartburn medication. There have been a few days that I have missed a dose or both doses and it hasn't really been that bad. Just a little heartburn after a meal and then it goes away. Nothing severe like earlier in my pregnancy. I don't like being on a ton of medication anyways. I figured if it does get really bad again that at least I have the prescription there.
I didn't get a picture this week, so I will get one next week. I don't really feel like I am showing yet, but I can't fit into my old jeans anymore..sad day:)

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