Wednesday, September 26, 2007

34 Weeks

* backache
* fatigue
* frequent potty breaks
* swelling in hands(mostly in afternoon)

This week has been a fairly easy one. I am still having a lot of the same symptoms. I am sleeping a little better, but I think that is because I am so exhausted from being at school all day and then the five hours or more homework a night. But, I don't really care why I sleep well as long as I do:)
I didn't go to my pre-natal class this week. I was going to with my mom since Matt is now working the swing shift. My mom hasn't been feeling well and she wasn't that night, so we didn't go. I wasn't upset about it because I was tired and didn't really feel like going. I know that the talk was about epidurals, so maybe it was a good thing I didn't go because I won't be as tempted to get one.
This week I got all of the envelopes addressed for the baby announcements. Call me crazy, but I wanted to get it done before he came. I think there is about fifty and there is now way I could have addressed them all after he was born on top of school. So, I just need to put stamps on them and get the announcement.
I am almost finished with his room. I did get his clothes into his dressed, which is nice to have them out of the crib. I bought some kids hangers and hung all of his jackets and overalls in the closet. I have a few things to hang the wall and then I will have pictures posted of the room. I am going to wait to get that stuff after the first of the month. So, hopefully next weekend I will have some pictures for everyone to see.
I am becoming more and more excited as the weeks dwindle down. I remember thinking it would take forever to get to this point. It really goes by fast and I have been blessed to have a really easy pregnancy.

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