Tuesday, September 18, 2007

33 Weeks

* back ache
* stretching skin of my belly
* leg cramps
* heartburn
* no sleep
* swelling of my feet and hands

This week there aren't a lot of new symptoms, pretty much the same from last week. I haven't really slept well since I don't know my fifth month of pregnancy, but it has gotten a lot worse. I used to be able to get at least two nights of good sleep in during the week, but now I don't at all. I am up tossing and turning and his movements wake me up. Plus I have to get up at least twice during the night to use the bathroom. I have been trying to limit my intake of fluids after like seven or eight at night, which has seemed to help a little bit.
What is frustrating is that I am always like man I really have to go to the bathroom and so I walk from my classroom into the main building and when I do go it is like I rushed for that! I know it sounds silly, but it must just be that pressure I guess.
We had our second birthing class last week. It was over the stages of labor and it was pretty boring:) I think it is because I have read all this stuff, but I know it is good to go over again. We watched a video of a birth and she didn't use an epidural, so that was interesting to watch. We also practiced our breathing. We reviewed our breathing from the week before and then she showed us to ways to breath during active labor. So, we practiced those with our coaches. Matt and I didn't laugh this time! She also had us get down on the floor and practice "pushing". We had to bring our knees up and then "fake" push while our coaches counted to ten and then take a breath. It was good practice and Matt is always asking me if I am practicing. It is funny how nervous he is.
I had my baby shower in Ontario this week. It was great and I won't go into much detail about it because I blogged in my other post about it.
I feel like I am noticing more movements than in the past from him. I think I just feel more pushing and stuff since he is running out of room. I have felt his arm, elbow, feet, and knee. It is so fun to finally be able to tell what is what. It really freaks Matt out sometimes and I think it is funny.
I have a doctor's appointment next Thursday!

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