*leg cramps
* back ache
* heartburn
This week was the last week of my fifth month! I can't believe that I am already six months pregnant. It goes by much faster than you think it is going to.
This week was exciting because you can see my stomach move when he kicks and moves around. It is so weird to watch! Matt saw it happen for the first time on Sunday while we were sitting in church. I was sitting in between him and my mom and then all of a sudden my belly just moves up and down. He was so excited I had a hard time not laughing out loud.
He has been moving a lot more this week. I used to only really feel him in the mornings a little and at night. But, now it is through out the day. It is fun to watch his patterns of sleep and awake time. I am excited that Matt can see him moving and kicking. It makes me want to start crying every time it happens. Also every time my stomach growls or I am hungry he will start moving. It is like he is saying "come on mom it is time to eat I am hungry!" So cute!
My belly has really started to itch this week too from all the stretching. I haven't had any stretch marks yet...yet being the key word:) I do think he is in my back a lot though because I feel him there. Explains why my back aches all day:) Also may explain why I am not incredibly huge yet. Although people are finally being able to tell that I am pregnant and they ask when I am due.
I should add that they changed my due date to Oct. 26. They moved up it up four days awhile ago, but I forgot to write it down in my blog. I still go off the 30th though.
Here is a side and front shot of me on the 4th of July. My outfit is from Old Navy. I just ordered some new maternity clothes the week before. It was very exciting. The first set of clothes I have bought myself. I have been fortunate to have everything else given to me!
This week was really miserable because of the heat. We don't have air conditioning in our house. I am okay during the day because I normally like the heat, but at night it is awful. One night it only cooled down to 75 degrees and it was like 85 degrees in our house. I was so uncomfortable! I ended up sleeping on the living room floor underneath one of the ceiling fans for awhile. I am thankful to not be in my last two months or month in this heat. I know that is when you are the most uncomfortable...or so everyone tells me! Thankfully my parents have ac so I am over there a lot during the days!
1 comment:
Wow, you are really tan. You look GREAT! Don't ever think otherwise. It's awesome that Matt can see the action that you have been feeling all this time. I carried around a squirt bottle with water in it and spritzed myself when pregnant with Danny. I had him August 17th!! Have a great week guys. Love, Melissa.
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