Sunday, July 29, 2007

26 Weeks


* leg cramps

* extreme back pain

* trouble breathing

My back seems to hurting more after my shifts at work. I am sure it is because our little one is getting bigger:) Matt is really good about rubbing my back and feet though every night at work and he never complains about it. What a man!

This week I had a doctor's appointment and it was a little depressing:) Everything looked good and Matt got to hear the heartbeat this time. It was beating strong at 144 bpm. It is so much fun to hear every time, next time I want to record it:)

I haven't gone in for my blood work for the glucose screening yet. I am planning on doing that tomorrow morning. I think they make you drink a sugary(spelling) drink and then come back in an hour and then they draw your blood.

I did ask how my weight gain was and he was thrilled at how much I have gained. I have debated on whether or not to post on how much I gained because I really was almost in tears. I decided that I should share it with everyone and this way I will have record of it when I look back on this pregnancy. This month I gained 8 pounds! I couldn't believe that I gained that much because I didn't feel like I did. I know that it is a good thing because it means our little boy is developing at the rate he should be. The doctor said he would be concerned if I hadn't gained that much. Of course I threw myself a little pity part for a couple of days. My mom didn't really have any sympathy for me, she said that is pregnancy for you. She also said that there are times when you will gain a lot like that and others where you may only gain a pound. So, my total weight gain to 16 pounds so far. My total weight now is 161.

He is really moving around a lot more now and you can see this big bulge where he is sometimes. It is so crazy to watch my stomach transform as he moves around. I have been trying to get video clips of it, but he always calms down when I turn the camera on!

I have had a really hard time breathing this week. He has finally moved up into my ribs and it makes it really uncomfortable to sit or stand or sleep:) One night this week he was moving his legs and arms so on both sides of my belly I could feel him. He kept me up for about an hour and he isn't even out yet!

This week Matt and I got the cradle put together. It is old fashioned, but I love it because of its history. All four of us kids used it when we were babies and it is fun to be able to use it with him. Matt and I also set up the changing table. I just need to sand it and paint now. Today my Aunt Donna and Uncle Scott came over with their crib. Uncle Scott helped Matt set it up and I am so excited to have something to finally look at! Now I just need to get the room painted and the bedding. I have been holding off because I haven't wanted tot spend the money, but my goal is to get it done this coming month!

Here is a picture that Matt took of me this afternoon. I can't believe how much my belly has popped out since the first pictures that I have taken. I don't notice as much because I see myself every day, so it is a gradual change. When you look at the pictures, there is such a huge difference. I haven't had any stretch marks yet....key word there:)

Friday, July 20, 2007

25 Weeks

* leg cramps
* backache

This week was relatively uneventful:) I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I am excited about this one. Nothing really special is happening, but it will be the first time that Matt will hear the baby's heartbeat. He hasn't been able to go to the last two appointments with me because of school purposes.
I have been a little on edge this week because I don't feel that the baby is moving enough. He does move, but I guess he doesn't kick as much as I think he should. Although he has started to jab me in the ribs when I lay on my sides:) But, I am a big worry wart and so I overreact. It feels like he scrunches up in a ball and then he stretches out. It will be fun to see how is movements are outside of the womb. It might explain what I was feeling.
Matt and I are getting more excited about his arrival. This morning we were debating about who he will look like. I think he will look just like Matt, but Matt thinks he will looks just like me. It is hard to tell from the ultra-sound except all of my family has said that he does look like he has my sharp chin.
I found out this morning that my friend Molly and her husband are having a baby girl! This is there second and we are so excited for them!
Next week I will be posting a picture since it has already been three weeks!

Monday, July 16, 2007

24 Weeks

*leg cramps
*slight swelling in fingers
* back aches

I think that this week the heat is really starting to get to me. I have been really cranky in the mornings because I just don't sleep soundly because I am hot. Plus in between getting up to go to the bathroom and leg cramps, I am up every hour. I keep hoping there will be a break in the weather!
I have noticed at nights my fingers are a little swollen and I can't get my wedding ring off. I am not sure if it is from the pregnancy or from the heat. I think it is a little of both. My hands normally get swollen when it is hot out like it has been even before I was pregnant.
I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday. It is always interesting to see how much weight I have gained. I am actually surprised with how fast the last four weeks have gone by since my last appointment. I think I have to my glucose screening done at this appointment. It is routine at around 26-28 weeks to check for gestational diabetes.
I also am going to start posting on Thursday's instead of earlier in the week. I am going to start going off my new due date Oct. 26th. So, you can start checking on the weekends for my weekly updates! I technically started my 25th week last Friday, so this weekend I will post about that week and hopefully be able to get on that track.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

23 Weeks


*leg cramps

* back ache

* heartburn

This week was the last week of my fifth month! I can't believe that I am already six months pregnant. It goes by much faster than you think it is going to.

This week was exciting because you can see my stomach move when he kicks and moves around. It is so weird to watch! Matt saw it happen for the first time on Sunday while we were sitting in church. I was sitting in between him and my mom and then all of a sudden my belly just moves up and down. He was so excited I had a hard time not laughing out loud.

He has been moving a lot more this week. I used to only really feel him in the mornings a little and at night. But, now it is through out the day. It is fun to watch his patterns of sleep and awake time. I am excited that Matt can see him moving and kicking. It makes me want to start crying every time it happens. Also every time my stomach growls or I am hungry he will start moving. It is like he is saying "come on mom it is time to eat I am hungry!" So cute!

My belly has really started to itch this week too from all the stretching. I haven't had any stretch marks yet...yet being the key word:) I do think he is in my back a lot though because I feel him there. Explains why my back aches all day:) Also may explain why I am not incredibly huge yet. Although people are finally being able to tell that I am pregnant and they ask when I am due.

I should add that they changed my due date to Oct. 26. They moved up it up four days awhile ago, but I forgot to write it down in my blog. I still go off the 30th though.

Here is a side and front shot of me on the 4th of July. My outfit is from Old Navy. I just ordered some new maternity clothes the week before. It was very exciting. The first set of clothes I have bought myself. I have been fortunate to have everything else given to me!

This week was really miserable because of the heat. We don't have air conditioning in our house. I am okay during the day because I normally like the heat, but at night it is awful. One night it only cooled down to 75 degrees and it was like 85 degrees in our house. I was so uncomfortable! I ended up sleeping on the living room floor underneath one of the ceiling fans for awhile. I am thankful to not be in my last two months or month in this heat. I know that is when you are the most uncomfortable...or so everyone tells me! Thankfully my parents have ac so I am over there a lot during the days!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

22 Weeks

*slight swelling of ankles
* lower backache
* leg cramps

I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday. I was nervous about getting on the scale because I haven't been keeping track at home how much I have gained. Plus I took a picture for last week and I refuse to post it because I look awful. My face is fat, my arms are is embarrassing. But, I will take one this week because I need to. Hopefully it turns out better.
The appointment didn't last very long. They took my blood pressure and listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was going strong at 140 bpm. Always so much fun to hear his little heart beating and to know that he is doing well.
Dr. Tompson came in and told me that the ultra-sound results looked normal and that was a relief for me since I am such a worry wart. He commented on my new hair cut. I chopped it off very short. My mom and I thought it was funny he noticed because most men don't and it was the first thing that he said when he walked into the room.
My total weight gain so far is 8 pounds. I can't believe that I haven't gained more. I feel huge, but that number isn't huge! Dr. Tompson did say that my weight gain looks good, he would like it to be a little higher, but he isn't worried. He said that I look healthy and the baby's weight is good. I reassured him that do eat and not healthy all the time! So, my weight right now is 150. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to see it on the scale. It is the most I have ever weighed, but that is a part of pregnancy and the weight is definitely worth it.
Look for a picture next week!